The Batman: 10 Perfect Casting Choices For Robin

8. Thomas Brodie-Sangster

Maisie Williams Robin

Thomas Brodie-Sangster obviously drank from the fountain of eternal youth at some point during his everlasting childhood. The Maze Runner star is the epitome of 13 going on 30, turning 30 next year while still looking as he did in Love, Actually, only taller.

With that in mind, he’s versatile enough to play various versions of Robin, depending on what exactly Matt Reeves is looking for. To only consider Brodie-Sangster for his ageless quality does a massive disservice to him as an actor though, and there’s plenty more reasons he could be a suitable Robin.

His boyish looks do make up the majority of his reputation, but that’s not for lack of trying on his part. With supporting roles in Game Of Thrones, Star Wars and Wolf Hall, he has an enviable back catalogue with clear blockbuster experience and a decent range.

As Jojen Reed, he had one of the tougher roles in Game Of Thrones, but with his on screen sister Meera he carried the complex ‘Bran becomes the Three Eyed Raven’ story arc well.

He’s more than proven himself capable, and is a rare mix of the youthful appearance yet bags of experience to pull it off.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)