The Batman: 10 Things Fans Demand

4. More Alfred

Alfred And Damien

Despite only very brief appearances in Batman Vs Superman and Justice League, Jeremy Irons’ portrayal of Alfred was one of the best elements of those films.

Unfortunately, Reeves' film is to be set in a completely separate universe to that of the rest of the DCEU; meaning that Irons may not be returning to the role anytime soon.

But to keep Alfred as just a recurring background character would be a mistake, especially in a Batman film, as Alfred is really the heart and soul of the Bat-Family, countlessly proving himself to be more of a caring father to Bruce than Thomas Wayne ever was; and as such he should be at least a supporting character of the upcoming flick.


Lover of film and comics, and (according to a comment on this very website) a pulsating sack of worthless nothing!