The Batman Trailer Review: 7 Ups & 1 Down

2. The Fight Choreography

The Batman Teaser Brightened
Warner Bros.

It might seem a little premature to praise a film for its fight choreography based on a few seconds of footage but when that trailer is built upon said few seconds, your writer is more than happy to make an exception.

There are two fight sequences in The Batman trailer: One taking place between Batman and Catwoman, and the other revolving around the former's complete annihilation of a Gotham City thug. Both are impressive, but it was the second that no doubt made fans sit up and say "oh sh*t!" - both out of shock because of the sheer violence of it and appreciation for the innovative choreography.

If the film contains more scenes like this (or even just builds upon what we've already seen here), The Batman could very well offer up the most incredible showdowns the Gotham City vigilante has ever seen. Premature excitement? Yes, but again, thanks to the trailer, it's 100% justified.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.