The Dark Tower Leaked Trailer: 10 Things We Learned

7. The "I Kill With My Heart" Speech Is In The Movie

The Dark Tower Idris Elba Matthew McConaughey

This might sound like a foregone conclusion, but yes, Roland's iconic "I kill with my heart" speech can be partially heard in the trailer.

While we only hear a fragmented version of it, given that the trailer version combines sound-bytes from the various "verses" of the speech, it seems likely that the entire thing will actually figure in the final movie, sure to delight the hardcore crowd.

After all, rhetoric such as this may seem like the most obvious thing to include in an adaptation, but as Batman v Superman showed by not including Batman's iconic "...the one man who beat you" speech from The Dark Knight Returns, sometimes filmmakers opt to go another way.

Fear not, though, because in some capacity, it's in there, probably as a montage voice-over or something.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.