Whilst the radio silence and a lot of the rumours have got fans all in a tizzy about The Fantastic Four, there's one thing that should be settling them down: Michael B Jordan as Johnny Storm. Failing that (and there may be a reason some people aren't assuaged by that casting...), Josh Trank in the director's chair is most definitely a reason to be cheerful. He's basically already made a great Fantastic Four origin film. Chronicle, a found-footage superhero movie written by Max Landis and directed by Trank, is probably one of the best and most underrated superhero films of recent years. Three friends stumble across some weird glowing thing, it gives them superpowers, then everything goes a bit wrong. Chronicle managed to balance familiar superhero tropes with some surprisingly effective interpersonal drama, young people angst and deftly pulled off special effects. All of which are pretty much essential for making a good Fantastic Four film, see? Trank is the perfect director and you should have all the faith in him.
Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/