The Hateful Eight: 18 Easter Eggs & References You Need To See

1. Red Apple Cigarettes

Clearly there was no opportunity to add in Big Kahuna Burger or Teriyaki Donuts on account of the time-setting, but Tarantino did sneak in one of his favourite brands. Red Apple Cigarettes make another appearance in his canon, and while the cigarettes themselves aren't mentioned, their obvious precursor - Red Apple Tobacco - is mentioned. Minnie reveals that she smokes the band when Jody asks her to roll him one. Meanwhile, Bob the Mexican smokes "Manzana Roja" - Spanish for Red Apple. Did you spot any other Easter Eggs or references in The Hateful Eight? Share your finds below in the comments thread, and for more comprehensive focus on the references, Easter Eggs and homages in all of Tarantino's work, see our complete, exhaustive guide here.

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