The Incredibles: Is The Sequel Better Than The Original?
6. Visuals
As with every Pixar movie released, the aesthetic of The Incredibles was second to none. Every detail that could possibly be added was scrutinised until perfection, resulting in simply stunning imagery, in particular the scenes in the jungle, and Mr Incredible's battle with the Omnidroid in the lava pit.
Since 2004, the animation has aged which is to be expected. The sequel however, has been able to utilise all of the technology from the past 14 years that The Incredibles couldn't, one upping it's predecessor in the visuals department. Again, this is to be expected.
Every scene was stunning, from small touches like the water features in the Parrs' new house, to the big action pieces like the train sequence. The crowing jewel of the movie in terms of the visuals however was Elastigirl's fight with Screenslaver. As the two fought against a complete surrounding of static screens, the animators were able to accentuate the two characters in a way rarely seen before, as if the fight were jumping straight off the screen. This was easily the most impressive piece from either Incredibles movie.
Winner: Incredibles 2