The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen Remake: 13 Actors Who Should Be Cast

2. Irrfan Khan - Captain Nemo

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Reboot

The famed captain of the Nautilus serves as something of a moral barometer for the League (he leaves when the British Empire uses biological warfare against invading Martians - at considerable collateral cost). 

He's considerably more than just the League's driver, and his casting is very important for the balance he brings to the group. He's sort of the Captain America of the group, in that respect - a man cut off from "modern" civilisation, even as he surpasses their technological achievements.

Who Should Play Him?

With Jurassic World about to cast Khan as this generation's John Hammond, his profile with mainstream audiences is likely to go up considerably: but on the merits of his career to date, he's already more than justified as the top choice to play Nemo.

Like his proposed on-screen daughter, Khan is an acclaimed Bollywood veteran who has appeared in some British films, as well as some work in Hollywood including Slumdog Millionaire and Life of Pi. Most important, in the words of Danny Boyle he "has an instinctive way of finding the moral center of any character" and that is hugely important for Nemo.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.