The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen Remake: 13 Actors Who Should Be Cast

10. David Tennant - Jekyll

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Reboot

It's important to have both Jekyll and Hyde as part of the team: just as it's important for the Avengers to rely on both Bruce Banner and the Hulk. Both are valuable, and thus both needed to be treated as separate casting needs.

Jekyll is already a complex figure before he undergoes his transformation, wrestling with the good and bad sides within him (which literally manifests when he wrongly creates a serum to make him a better man). It's far more interesting to consider him as a fractured figure with evil compulsions rather than a Banner like goodie-two-shoes who is the unfortunate victim of purely good intentioned science.

Who Should Play Him?

David Tennant. It isn't enough to simply have a snivelling weakling or a lesser actor playing Jekyll in the idle assumption that Hyde is far more important: the MCU has proved amply that the man behind the monster has to be complex and interesting. That means a strong casting choice who can convincingly play an intrepid scientist as well as convince of the darker waters running deeply within.

Tennant proved in Harry Potter that he's able to play dark characters and he's always done admirably dealing with complex characters. He also obviously has previous in catering for established fandoms and he's exactly the kind of actor you'd expect to play Dr Jekyll.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.