The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen Remake: 13 Actors Who Should Be Cast

7. Pierce Brosnan - Campion Bond

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Reboot

The MI5 agent and League handler - as well as being 007's grandfather - should be the man entrusted by M to bring together the League, and no matter how small a role he represents on-screen, Fox need to take another leaf out of the Avengers book and cast someone stately and father-like.

It's a very functional role - a king-maker of sorts - and whoever is cast needs to have that essential MI5 quality about them. So there's only really only place to cast from...

Who Should Play Him?

Ideally, it would be a fitting in-joke to cast Sean Connery for the role of James Bond's grandfather, but that's about as likely as him agreeing to sign on to The Avengers 2.

But, staying on the same lines, Fox should do their damnedest to use a casting gag to bring in a former Bond actor to play the key agent. It would seem that either Timothy Dalton or Pierce Brosnan would be the most likely to agree to that sort of offer, and of the two, Brosnan is probably the more fondly remembered. 


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.