The Lord Of The Rings: 10 Best Characters NOT In The Fellowship

3. Bilbo Baggins

Lord Of The Rings Saruman
Warner Bros. Pictures

The original protagonist, Martin Freeman brought a great sense of whimsical domesticity to Bilbo in The Hobbit but Ian Holm originated the role and really set the tone for the character. The trilogy does a great job of both referencing and reflecting on the past adventures of Bilbo within his characterisation.

Where Bilbo really excels however, is his close relationship with his nephew Frodo. Their fondness for each other is a large driving force for Frodo's motivations, especially in the first film. Watching Bilbo struggle with the guilt that Frodo must carry the One Ring to Mordor but also deal with some underlying attraction to the object is compelling and Ian Holm plays it fantastically.

The regrets and pains of the character are easily felt as the audience see a hobbit that has really lived an extraordinary but exhausting life. It is beyond fitting that at the trilogy's end, Bilbo and Frodo leave Middle-Earth together.


Opinionated pop-culture commentator who aspires to be a writer so people can opinionatedly comment on the pop-culture I put out.