The Lord Of The Rings: 10 Best Fighters In Middle-Earth Definitively Ranked

5. Morgoth

Before Sauron, there was Morgoth. He is the Lucifer of Tolkien’s legendarium, a being created second in power only to Eru Ilúvatar who through pride rebelled against his creator and became the source of all evil and suffering in Arda.

But for all his malice he wasn’t much of a fighter, preferring deceit and treachery and leaving the business of open combat to his underlings. Accordingly his duels were few and none more famous than his confrontation with Fingolfn, High King of the Ñoldorin Elves.

Challenged by Fingolfin to a one-on-one duel, Morgoth, unable to loose face in front of his servants, reluctantly accepted. Fingolfin made him work, dodging every one of his attacks all while landing strike after strike on the flailing Dark Lord. Only when the elf began to tire was Morgoth finally able to land a blow and batter him into submission.

Still, despite the poor performance, Morgoth did defeat Fingolfin in single combat, and against one of the most powerful elves to ever live, at the height of their power, that is no small feat.


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