The Mummy 1999 Vs The Mummy 2017: Which Is Better?

4. Pacing

The Mummy Brendan Frasier Sofia Boutella
Paramount & Universal

Here's a fact that's easily forgotten if you haven't watched the 1999 movie in a while: it's actually pretty slow at times. Clocking in at 125 minutes, it takes quite a while for Imhotep to actually show up, meaning the first act is a bit of a drag, and there is also some blatant filler later on (especially the plane sequence).

Conversely, the Cruise film runs in at a fairly svelte 107 minutes, and considering how long the credits to movies are these days, the movie is actually over after around only 95 minutes.

Winner: Despite its many faults, the new Mummy at least moves relatively fast and gets things done in relatively pacy fashion. The 1999 movie could've been trimmed back by 10-15 minutes for sure.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.