The New Mutants: 10 Major New Details Revealed About The Marvel Movie

6. Some Tweaks Have Been Made During The Disney/Fox Merger Delay

The New Mutants
20th Century Fox

The New Mutants was sitting on the shelf for a long time, and while Boone wasn't given the opportunity to return for additional photography (reshoots), he did have time to make a few tweaks to what was already there, including what sounds like a polish of the visual effects he mentioned a little earlier.

"I'm just so happy we got to go back and finish it properly, the way that we needed to and wanted to, after the year long limbo of the merger," the filmmaker tells Screen Rant. "To be able to go back and finish it made me so happy, and I'm really excited to share it with fans. It's the same movie we shot originally. We touched it up just a little bit, having not watched it in a year."

"I'm just really happy with it," Boone continued. "It's our cut, and we're really happy to share it with everybody. We think it's not much like any other comic book movie."

Had Fox, and more specifically producer Simon Kinberg, had their way, the "Boone Cut" of The New Mutants would not have been released in cinemas, and fans are all too well aware of what happened to Fantastic Four (and the young filmmaker in charge) the last time something like that played out.


Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.