The Predator: 14 Easter Eggs & References Explained

10. Tourette's Syndrome

Thomas Jane The Predator

One of the most divisive aspects of The Predator - though there are certainly many - is the film's depiction of mental illness, particularly as it pertains to Asperger's, PTSD and Tourette's Syndrome.

Thomas Jane's character Baxley - a nod to the original film's stunt coordinator Craig R. Baxley, by the way - has a bad case of PTSD-induced Tourette's, causing him to tic violently and make random, vulgar remarks throughout the film as something of a running joke.

Though it certainly doesn't seem like a compassionate portrayal of the condition, the big twist here is that Shane Black himself revealed over the summer that he himself suffers with Tourette's.

While that certainly doesn't disqualify him from making an unsavoury depiction of a condition that afflicts millions worldwide, it does somewhat change the optics of Black's angle here.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.