The Predator: 14 Easter Eggs & References Explained
8. AvP's Xenomorph Tail Spear

Probably the weirdest and most surprising Easter egg in the entire film occurs when Casey (Olivia Munn) is first brought to the Project Stargazer facility and introduced to the Predator.
She's briefly shown a wall of Predator weapons and trinkets, including the spear fashioned from a Xenomorph's tail by one of the Predators in Alien vs. Predator, and briefly wielded by human ally Lex (Sanaa Lathan) in the final battle against the Xeno Queen.
While this might seem to "officially" make AvP canon once again following its dicier status in recent years, this is far more likely just a playful nod to those movies, which we can't imagine Shane Black is much of a fan of. Then again, if he cared enough to include the spear, maybe he is.