The Predator: 7 Big Questions We’re Left With

4. Have We Seen The Last Of The Ultimate Predators?

The Predator Dutch
20th Century Fox

One of the film's more enticing arcs revolved around the notion that the Predators were extracting spinal fluid from dead warriors in an attempt to create a hybrid variation of their own species that exhibited the best attributes of other life-forms. We saw this come to life with the arrival of the Ultimate Predator.

The gigantic monster was a highly advanced creature that easily dwarfed the classic Predator. Furthermore, its skin was far more durable and, unlike previous Yautja species, it didn't need to utilise a mask to hunt its prey.

While it was eventually defeated by Quinn McKenna, it's possible that this isn't really the end for the Ultimate Predator. After all, if hybridisation is the Predators' overall plan, it's likely that they will continue their experiments to create an even more advanced and unstoppable variation of the beast, learning from the (very few) mistakes that this Ultimate Predator made.

Whether or not we see more of these huge aliens could depend on one thing...


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.