The Predator: 8 Ridiculous Plot Holes That Make No Sense
5. Where The Hell Did "The Loonies" Get The RV?

After the Loonies ditch their government transport, get to the choppers (motorcycles, that is) and hole up in a dingy motel for the night, it's revealed that they've magically acquired not only a car out of thin air, but also an RV.
You can probably hand-waive the car as one of the gang just breaking into one nearby and hot-wiring it, but the RV? Especially an RV that oh-so-conveniently has a microscope inside it in order for Casey Bracket (Olivia Munn) to examine the spinal fluid sample?
That's to say nothing of the sizeable collection of weaponry the team quickly acquires out of thin air, as it clearly didn't all come from Quinn's ex-wife.
The most likely answer here is that the film's extensive re-shoots borked so much of the movie's logical through-line that Shane Black just ended up hoping most people wouldn't notice blatant logical lapses such as this.
Black might've shot a scene where we see the Loonies acquire a cache of weapons and take the RV from Quinn's ex, but for whatever reason, it didn't make the cut and is jarringly distracting as a result.