The Predator Review: 5 Ups & 6 Downs
4. The Complete Lack Of Sense At Times
Having said that the film knows what it is and gleefully messes with all expectations in that respect, the writing occasionally leaves a lot to be desired. When the name on the script is Shane Black, that's a problem.
There are ideas - like the idea of hybridization - that seem tacked on, while the entire motivation of the "rogue" Predator who kicks the entire thing off is completely absent. You're initially introduced to it as a prototypical Predator, only for the plot twist to change everything, but the twist contradicts everything that happens in the opening sequence. And then when the twist is escalated, it's an absolute ass-pull that has no grounding in the rest of the story whatsoever.
It just about gets by because it's so incredibly silly, but there was a requirement here for better writing that simply wasn't there. There are too many whys and when they start to creep in, it's way too easy to notice when the dialogue misses its target too.