The Single Biggest Mistake Each Fast & Furious Film Has Made

5. Fast & Furious 6 - The Uneven Pacing

Thor: Love and Thunder
Universal Pictures

Prior to a certain other instalment, Fast & Furious 6 was the weakest film in the franchise's renaissance period.

It's a good film. The cast is terrific, the film-making is excellent and the many action sequences are uniformly jaw-dropping, but it's held back by various factors.

The biggest issue, aside from a by-the-numbers story (even by this franchise's standards) and the overlength (again), is that the film as a whole is just kind-of uneven.

It does have many great moments, but there are slow stretches and the middle act often sags - in particular, there's a pointless subplot involving Brian O'Connor infiltrating a US prison which slows the film right down.

This issue makes it weaker and far less rewatachable than most of the others in the franchise's renaissance period, but it's still an effective action film overall, and it provides a very good first viewing.


Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.