The Single Biggest Mistake Each MCU Film Has Made

5. The Incredible Hulk: A General Lack Of Memorable Moments

Marvel Studios

The Movie:

The forgotten MCU film that many fans haven't even seen, this is actually a solid superhero flick that is generally entertaining, but it isn't very memorable, Ed Norton isn't a desperately good Bruce Banner while the central romance is also incredibly jarring and drags the film down.

The Incredible Hulk is a perfectly good film, but it is probably the single most forgettable MCU film despite its best efforts. Sadly, the most memorable moment in it is that ghastly scene in which Bruce Banner can't have sex with Betty Ross since he'll transform, which is a strong contender for the most cringe-worthy MCU scene.

This lack of memorable moments isn't necessarily the film's fault, since it feels largely disconnected from the MCU aside from the presence of William Hurt and Robert Downey Jr. (in a brief cameo), but there's a slight lack of effort in general.

This is a film without any major reveals, big emotional moments or any particular deviation from formula; it's just a bit too safe for its own good and also feels like the smallest film of the MCU, since it generally lacks scale or big action.

Once again, it's a worthy effort, but for some reason Marvel Studios did play it awfully safe with this one, which is odd since Iron Man surely gave them a huge confidence boost.


Just make it feel a bit bigger, a bit more intense and give it a bit more personality.


Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.