The Single Biggest Mistake Each Star Trek Movie Has Made

8. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country - Unauthorised Phaser Levels

star trek into darkness

The Mistake: For the first time an alarm sounds if someone fires an unauthorised phaser aboard a starship, alerting security.

Why?: It introduces a lot of questions, while also offering a clue as to the eventual identity of the conspirator. Star Trek VI is up there with Wrath of Khan for the best Trek films, so this is a small nitpick. But, Yeomen Burke and Sano are killed by phaser fire, set to stun, at point-blank range. Valeris had previously demonstrated that firing an unauthorised phaser is prohibited on a Starship.

So, assuming it is Valeris who fired the shots at the two men, why was the helmsman of the Enterprise-A authorised to use a phaser? If it is only authorised at the stun setting, does this mean that any officer can use a phaser set to stun on the ship? Finally, in a strange choice that is related to this, why take the time to properly hide the assassins uniforms but not their bodies?

While the Undiscovered Country is an excellent political thriller, action film and a swansong for the crew, these small nitpicks stand!


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick