The Single Biggest Mistake Each Star Trek Movie Has Made

7. Star Trek: Generations - The Enterprise Does Nothing

star trek into darkness

The Mistake: The Enterprise-D, a Galaxy-class starship, does next to nothing to fight a Klingon Bird-of-Prey.

Why?: The Duras Sisters, thanks to their access to Geordi's VISOR, are able to correctly match their weapons' frequencies to the Enterprise's shield modulations. This allows them to fire at the vessel as though there were no shields at all. While this is devastating to the Starfleet ship, there is no reason whatsoever as to why they can't fight back.

In the entire battle, the Enterprise fires one phaser blast and one photon torpedo. Frankly, it looks as though they wanted to be destroyed at that point! A twenty-year-old D12 class ship stands no chance against the Federation's flagship, even with its shields down. It may level the playing field slightly, yet still, the offensive capabilities of the larger vessel should have made it a very quick fight.

When the ionic pulse caused the Bird-of-Prey's shields to drop, a single photo torpedo destroyed the entire vessel. How strong were those shields to begin with? Considering the volleys that the Enterprise were able to throw against the Borg at a moment's notice, this seems very iffy.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick