The Single Biggest Mistake Each Star Wars Movie Has Made

3. The Force Awakens - Remaking A New Hope

Star Wars Revenge Of The Sith

The Force Awakens is an excellent movie and a great return to the Star Wars galaxy, but the plot does have some undeniable issues.

This is a re-tread of A New Hope whatever way you look at it and while it's easy to see why Disney went via this easy option given that they'd taken on the Herculean task of continuing the world's most famous franchise, this was still playing things far too safe.

The biggest error was the introduction of the Starkiller Base, which was an astonishingly lazy plot device and yet another recycling of the Death Star. There's nothing wrong with the scenes on Starkiller Base but surely there was a more inventive location that could've been chosen for the film's finale?

The Force Awakens is still a rather wonderful movie, but where the criticism of The Last Jedi felt ludicrously harsh and over-the-top, with this one the reservations many had about it were far more understandable. If you can overlook the rehashing of A New Hope, you'll have a good time but if not, then unfortunately the movie is unlikely to hold up.

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Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.