The Wolverine: 10 Movies That Influenced James Mangold

6. Happy Together (1997) The second film by Chinese mood maestro Wong Kar-wai on James Mangold's list, Happy Together is - perhaps surprisingly - a picture about the complicated romance between two men. Although, again, the director is likely citing the aesthetic influences derived from Happy Together, as opposed to one which caused him to factor in a scene showing Wolverine visiting the Iguazu waterfalls to repair a damaged relationship (which, by the way, is what happens in Happy Together). Happy Together garned mostly mixed reviews upon release, mainly because of what most critics saw as a lazy, dull plot that didn't really go anywhere. Wong Kar-wai's flick has its fans, though (Mangold obviously included), and it'll be interesting to see - aside from perhaps in its experimental cinematography style 0 what parts of the movie went into influencing The Wolverine.


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