1. Mid-Credits Scene
Everyone's been talking about the mid-credits scene at the end of the film, and with good reason. Set two years after Logan's Japan episode, Logan is walking through an airport, when he is approached by both Magneto and Professor Xavier, who explain that something catastrophic has happened, and his help is required to fix it. Obviously, this is the lead-in to next year's X-Men: Days of Future Past, in which it has been confirmed that Wolverine will be the one travelling through time in order to stop the Sentinels from taking over and subjugating the mutants. After having not seen McKellan and Stewart in their respective roles for years, this was a great, shocking way to introduce us to them once again, and after the terrible post-credit scenes pumped into the last Wolverine movie, a fine way to erase the memories of that horrendous venture. Have you seen The Wolverine yet? Disagree with our reasoning? Sound off in the comments below.