4. Jean Grey Is Almost Totally Pointless
The trailers showing off Jean Grey made us hope that that a revealing flashback would give us another glimpse into Logan's psyche leading up to what happened at the end of The Last Stand. Instead, Jean appears through a number of dreams and visions to Logan, cementing the fact that death follows him around like a specter, and despite his attempts to lie low, it is always going to be a part of his existence as long as he is breathing. Though it's a fine idea in principle, it's just kinda cheesy to have Jean ladelling out character psychology in this manner. This reaches its apex at the end of the film, when Jean tempts Logan with simply giving in to his mortality and "crossing over" with her when he seems to be dying, before he accepts that he
had to kill Jean, and gets on with the rest of his life, having seemingly conquered his demons. The point is that this could have been done without her needing to spell it out in visions; a smarter film would have found a way to convey this through tangible, living characters.