The World’s End: 10 Reasons to Be Excited

2. The Production Value

Shaun of the Dead had a relatively miniscule budget. Approximately £4 mil to be more specific. Yet, worldwide it€™s made $30mil to date. The reason it was so successful was, in my opinion, largely attributed to the production value. It looked expensive, even though it wasn€™t. Then Hot Fuzz; made for £8 mil it went on to make $80 mil. Seeing a pattern begin to emerge? Though again, while Hot Fuzz was relatively cheap, it didn€™t look like it was. It was ambitious but it was perfectly executed. The World€™s End hasn€™t had its production budget publically revealed at this stage. But by now, Pegg and Wright have both proven themselves, proven their capacity to make money, completely. My prediction? The World€™s End€™s production budget is somewhere in the range of £15 €“ 25 mil. And if Pegg and Wright can do what they did for Shaun of the Dead on just £4 mil (sounds like a lot but in the movies, it really ain€™t), imagine the insanity we€™ll see should my prediction be even close to correct. Regardless of what the final budget actually is, you can expect The World€™s End to boast extremely high-end production values. That€™s the kind of filmmakers Pegg and Wright are; they can make a little go a long way. I just can€™t wait to see how long.

Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.