The World’s End: 10 Reasons to Be Excited

8. The Genre Twist

As unbelievably huge and influential geeks themselves, it€™s no real surprise that Simon Pegg and Edgar Wright, when they get together, love to make genre pictures with a twist. Shaun of the Dead was their Zombie flick; Hot Fuzz was their buddy actioner; hell, Spaced was so littered with pop culture references that it in itself acted as a sort of a genre smorgasbord. Like Tapas for the soul. So, that leads me to inquire, what genre will they send up with World€™s End? If you ask me, we€™re looking at an alien invasion/ disaster movie, a €™la War of the Worlds, but obviously with that signature Pegg/Wright twist thrown in; the cast of characters will probably be too self-involved and too drunk to even notice it happening around them, with disastrous and hilariously British consequences. Of course I don€™t know for sure, but I'll tell you one thing: I'll be among the first in theatre to find out.

Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.