These Movie Openings SUCK!
3. Predator
Now this one hurts to talk about, as ye Gods is Predator a great film. From its brilliant blend of high-stakes action, and how it also serves as a brilliant deconstruction of the masculine ego being quite literally torn apart no matter how "manly" these soldiers act, Predator is a movie that stands the test of time in nearly every area.
I say this because the one false step that lets the movie down pretty considerably is its opening. However, in order to feel its impact, we need to step back and look at how this film was marketed ahead of its release.
So back in 1987, the pre-release marketing, teasers, and eventual trailer for the film showcased "something" hunting the group of soldiers, with them giving brief, sometimes conflicting descriptions of what "it" was. This worked in the film's favor perfectly, building up the mystery of what was in that jungle. Was it a creature of myth and legend? Was it a super soldier, or a technological experiment gone awry? We didn't know, but all that was for sure is that it was kicking Arnie's ass something fierce.
However, within minutes of the movie opening, we see a spaceship launch a smaller craft towards Earth, and oh look it's an alien. Now just put yourself in the shoes of someone waiting in anticipation for the big reveal only to have it almost offhandedly shown in the first thirty seconds. When put alongside the rest of the movie, if that curtain hadn't been pulled then the first actual meeting with The Predator would have been utterly shocking, but alas we got what could have been an amazing twist spoiled right out of the gate.
For many, this might not be a big deal, but when you consider how this could have elevated the project even further it's a shame to see it blow its load in feverish excitement.