Thor: The Dark World - 6 Hidden Influences From Game Of Thrones

2. Major Character Deaths

Loki The Dark World Do not watch Game of Thrones if you cannot handle characters you have come to legitimately care about being killed off without regret or remorse. This is a series that prides itself on toying with the emotions of readers/viewers as they fear for a character€™s life with every episode or turn of the page. There€™s so much unexpected and reality shattering major death in the franchise that at some points you just have to wonder if they enjoy stomping on the hearts of their fans. I can just picture the show-runners arriving on set with their eyes popping out of their sockets, all cartoonish with glee upon realizing that today is the day they shoot major character X€™s tragic death. The fact that Alan Taylor was given creative control to kill off both Thor€™s mother and Loki was probably what pushed him over the edge to accept this project in the first place. Usually in Marvel movies you can predict everything coming from 10 miles away but under the well-executed direction of Alan Taylor, you feel a sense that some characters are in very real danger. OK, so Loki doesn't technically die, but he was originally planned to as Tom Hiddleston started to tire of playing the coldhearted villain. He apparently had a change of heart however, which led to the reworked ending we have now. And if you want my honest opinion, it's much better this way.

I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.