Thor: Ragnarok - 10 Big Implications Of Marvel Adding Hulk

1. Beta Ray Bill?

If you know your Marvel comic lore, you'd know that the most notorious bridge between Thor and Hulk is also one of the characters most wanted by Thor fans. Beta Ray Bill has long been rumoured to appear in Ragnarok (since he's in the comics arc), and having Hulk heading out into space should make fans immediately think of Bill's encounter with Big Green in Planet Hulk. Yes, a stand-alone Planet Hulk might be a massive mistake (because John Carter already proved that Disney don't know how to market that movie) BUT borrowing elements in order to set up Beta Ray's importance in the Ragnarok storyline does make a lot of sense. Thor could employ Hulk as his champion when he discovers Bill is being held captive on Sakaar (as he is in the animated adaptation of Planet Hulk, which couldn't use Silver Surfer), though it's probably too much to ask to see Hulk fighting gladiator style for the right to Beta Ray Bill's freedom. At least we can dream... What do you want to see from Hulk's role in Thor: Ragnarok? Share your thoughts below in the comments thread.

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