Thor Ragnarok: 10 Big Questions From What We Know So Far

5. Who Will Cameo?

Thor: Ragnarok already has a special guest star in the shape of The Hulk, but will there be any cameos and surprise appearances from other MCU stars? It€™s definitely possible. Since Marvel Studios were very keen to stick Falcon into Ant-Man last year, it seems likely that they€™ll encourage Mr Waititi to include some further familiar faces in his movie too. But who could that be? Well, if the galaxy was being plunged into darkness, you€™d except its designated Guardians to show an interest. It€™s hard to believe that Star-Lord, Gamora, Groot, Drax and Rocket would all stand idly by if a section of the universe was facing apocalyptic levels of danger. Perhaps James Gunn could sew some seeds in Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2 for Waititi to follow up on, allowing a cameo or two in the Thor threequel. Equally, if a bunch of villains were assembling to wipe out Asgard, Thanos€™ intrigue would surely be piqued. Destroying Asgard and butchering its godly inhabitants could help clear a path for Thanos to achieve total galactic domination, so perhaps he€™ll be tempted to help Loki and co. in order to help himself a little ways down the road. And also €“ if Thor€™s home world was in danger, would he be satisfied with Hulk€™s help or try to recruit a few more Avengers? Vision, for one, could certainly hold his own in a fight of such huge scale. Paul Bettany would be easier to get than most other Avengers actors, surely?

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