Thor Ragnarok: 10 Big Questions From What We Know So Far

4. Will It Be The Last Thor Film?

As I keep mentioning, Ragnarok is essentially the Asgardian apocalypse, caused when the worst villains of the universe team up to sack Asgard and murder its inhabitants. A big part of this concept, in the comics at least, is that a lot of the godly characters die. Could Thor bite the bullet in the Ragnarok movie, then, sacrificing his life to try and save his home? So far, Marvel hasn€™t made a fourth solo film for any of its heroes. With that in mind, killing off Thor during Ragnarok could be neat way of ending the franchise. If Marvel Studios are brave enough to do that, they would surely earn praise for finally showing fatal consequences for a movie-headlining superhero. Thor dying in Ragnarok is my prediction, at least. (They could always reincarnate and recast him later if they really wanted.) Other speculators have different ideas. Latino Review thinks that Thor will wind up in a €˜galactic prison€™ of some sort at the end of Ragnarok, rendering him unavailable to assist the Avengers when Infinity War comes around. This would serve a similar purpose of pausing his story for the time being, allowing Marvel to focus on other things (namely bringing Thanos and the Guardians to Earth for Infinity War). Either way, early talk seems to suggest that Thor and his franchise may meet something of an end after Ragnarok. Seeing as the script is still being written, though, no one knows for sure what will happen.

Film & TV journo. Quite tall.