Thor: Ragnarok - What The Ending Really Means

4. Loki Has The Tesseract

Loki Tesseract
Marvel Studios

Considering how poor Thanos seems to be at getting his hands on the Tesseract, Loki's magnetism to them is actually pretty impressive.

He's had the Mind Stone in his sceptre previously (though he wasn't aware, of course) and in Ragnarok, while going to revive Surtur using the Eternal Flame, he comes across the Tesseract in Asgard's vault and takes it for himself.

The footage of Infinity War that showed at D23 already confirmed that he has the Stone, but this just puts the pieces together. What remains to be confirmed is what his plans are for it and whether he has any intentions of working for his former master Thanos again. Could he use it to draw Thanos to his position? Would that even be intentional?


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