Thor: The Dark World Trailer - 5 Questions We Want Answered

2. Is The Ultimate Sacrifice... Jane Foster?

Screen shot 2013-04-23 at 09.48.20 Natalie Portman is back in this movie properly as Thor's squeeze Jane Foster, having being absent from The Avengers because there was simply no room for the poor girl. We already know from promotional material that Thor is going to have to make an "ultimate sacrifice" in this movie, because that's what superheroes do in sequels. But consider that the trailer reiterates this fact over a shot of Jane being suspended in mid-air and looking like she's about to disintegrate or get vaporised or something. What am I getting at? Well, are they going to kill Jane Porter off in this movie? It might sound crazy, but it'd certainly open up Thor's emotional spectrum.

All-round pop culture obsessive.