Tom Hardy: 10 Roles That Passed You By

6. Noel - Scenes Of A Sexual Nature

tom hardy bronson
Miracle Communication

British cinema may be known for it's small, low budget productions, but even this is something that Scenes Of A Sexual Nature takes to the next level. Set in one location and with the entire cast credited on the film's poster, it gave us a glimpse into the life of seven different couples.

Considering its varied outlook, it may come as no surprise that it is Tom Hardy who is the "lad", playing the law of averages and out to hook up with anyone who's interested. Seen trying his lines a few times, unfortunately for him none of them have the desired result, and succeed in him only being told to go away. In a rather expletive manner.

Despite having previously given another admirer (The Walking Dead's Andrew Lincoln) a second glance at her underwear, French book lover Sophie wastes no time in telling Hardy's Noel where to go. Similarly his attempt at complimenting Esther isn't appreciated by either her or companion Louis, but it is in trying to befriend the upset Anna that leaves him truly hanging. 

Seeing her crying after an argument with her (now ex)boyfriend, he strikes up a conversation and even manages to make her laugh on occasion. More out of disbelief than anything else however, as his ramblings about nutters and attractive noses irritate her to the point of getting her own back. 


One man fate has made indescribable