Tom Hardy: 10 Roles That Passed You By

5. Raumont - Marie Antoinette

tom hardy bronson
Columbia Pictures

With tough guy roles like Mad Max and Warrior often being his best known, it doesn't take a men's rights activist to see how 18th Century chick-flick isn't his usual genre. That said, his role in Marie Antoinette isn't exactly typical either; he may have been listed in the opening credits, but a glorified cameo isn't a bad way of describing what has to be Hardy's smallest ever role.

Sofia Coppola's biopic is one in which the Queen of France mostly known for her lavish spending is depicted as just any other teenager. Like the new girl at school, she arrives from Austria to a life of struggling to fit in and constantly being gossiped about, not to mention the societal pressure of losing her virginity. Appearing very briefly after a ball for soldiers returning from the American Revolution, Hardy's own contribution to the film isn't much more than the Oysters that his character of Raumont brings to the 1700's frat-party. 

After being heartily thanked in a toast for his offering, he partakes in the parlour game of guess-the-name-on-your-forehead (his was Mozart), all the while noticing Marie's attraction to Axel Von Fersen, who would eventually become her lover. "Blink and you'll miss it" is a phrase that may get used too often, but one which here is fairly accurate.


One man fate has made indescribable