Toy Story 4 Trailer Reactions: 9 Ups & 3 Downs

2. Sensationalising Nihilism

Forky Toy Story 4

Now, the idea of a toy not knowing what he is and not necessarily wanting to be a toy is interesting, but there's a very dangerous line here that has to be trodden. At no point should Disney be sensationalising nihilism as a gateway to suicide.

There's an unfortunate trend in social media right now that sees an unhealthy amount of joking about suicide as a sort of stand-in for "f*ck my life" thinking and it means genuine mental health conversations end up lost in the noise. Call that complaint snowflake thinking all you like, but fatalism has become a meme and popularity breeds frequency.

That's not to say that the film will do this, but already, Forky crying "why am I alive?" and wanting to bin himself have been hungrily gobbled up as memes to add to that particularly dangerous pile. It's just slightly wrong-headed to not expect that.

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