Trainspotting 2: 6 Biggest Talking Points From The T2 Trailer

5. The Prison Scenes

Trainspotting 2
TriStar Pictures

Considering he was on the run for armed robbery when he appeared unannounced at Renton's new London home in Trainspotting's latter stages before going on to participate in a fairly substantial drug deal, it's unsurprising that the trailer indicates that we'll see Bebgie spending a bit of time residing At Her Majesty's Pleasure. An element which seems to have been derived directly from its source material (Irvine Welsh's 2001 novel 'Porno'), the film contains several easily decipherable allusions to the fact that prison and run-ins with the law will play a role in the film.

First off, the trailer provides footage of several very irate prisoners in the midst of a lockdown and levelling tirades of abuse in the direction at an off-screen individual. This immediately segues to the shot of the short-tempered stereotype of the Scottish hard man known as Bebgie standing in the exact same bar that Renton had visited Sick Boy in, clad in a trench coat, sunglasses and bucket hat in an attempt to appear incognito but doing exactly the opposite.

This would suggest one of two things, either that Begbie will once again evade the law and attempting to avoid it all costs or that he's out on probation and is attempting to go about his dubious activities with a low profile. Given the fact that screenwriter John Hodge and Danny Boyle have been forthcoming with the knowledge that T2: Trainspotting isn't as faithful an adaptation of Welsh's work as its predecessor was, this would make either situation entirely plausible.

The third and final indication of Bebgie's incarceration is a brief scene at the 1:36 mark in which he can be seen having a 'heated discussion' with a besuited man in a clinically bright room that would suggest it is taking place during some form of visitation. Whilst its unclear exactly what form it will take, the fact that the series' most unhinged and easily quotable character has to navigate legal problems during its duration appears to be all but confirmed.


22 year old writer from Scotland that'll rant about music, film, wrestling, MMA or the merits of Tennent's Lager for hours if you let him.