Transformers: Age Of Extinction – 19 Easter Eggs & References

4. Megatron's Severed Head

Transformers Age Of Extinction OParamount Pictures & Sunbrow ProductionsOne of the stranger plot-points in Age of Extinction is the fact that tech honchos KSI are using the Transformium in Megatron's decapitated head to try and create their own version of Optimus Prime, which of course has disastrous results. However, writer Ehren Kruger didn't come up with this barmy idea all on his own: the idea of reverse-engineering Megatron's head has most prominently appeared in the cartoon series Transformers: Animated, and has also been utilised in a number of subsequent Transformers iterations. So, while it would be easy to mock Kruger for taking his plot lines from a kids' TV show, that show is a sight more entertaining than Bay's movies have ever been, so perhaps Kruger should just start cribbing more and more plot (and even dialogue) from the cartoons.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.