Transformers: The Last Knight Reviews - 10 Early Reactions You Need To Know

6. The Visuals Are Jaw-Droppingly Good

transformers last knight
"Bay’s craftsmanship is impeccable, but per usual, the real stars of the show remain the wizards at Industrial Light & Magic responsible for the range of special effects. The degree of visual information crammed into every frame never ceases to amaze, particularly when enjoyed on an IMAX screen capable of conveying the full scale. It helps that the ongoing story has gotten to the point where Transformers have blossomed around the globe, providing an excuse to unleash so many dazzling images the brain can’t possibly process them all at once." - Indiewire

This also shouldn't be that shocking, but indeed, Michael Bay hasn't phoned in his directing job on his fifth time up to bat for the franchise, again creating an eye-melting symphony of colliding metal that, while excessive in every degree, is nevertheless an impressive feat of engineering.

That Bay can even make these sequences semi-coherent is a testament to his trained eye, and of course, as much credit must go to ILM, who have been roundly praised for once again contributing to a film that absolutely deserves to be seen on the biggest screen possible.

These movies are undeniably shallow pleasures and absolutely give audiences what they want when it comes to slow-motion flying metal. Anything else, though? Not so much.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.