Transformers: The Last Knight Reviews - 10 Early Reactions You Need To Know

3. It's Too Damn Long

Transformers The Last Knight Isabela Moner
"A film primarily about good robots fighting naughty robots has no business being two hours and twenty-eight minutes long. Worse, Transformers: The Last Knight is so convoluted and drawn-out that it feels like double that amount of time has passed." - IGN
"Transformers: The Last Knight comes in at 149 minutes, and each of those minutes lasts as long as the reign of Charlemagne." - The Guardian
"The Last Knight is about 15 minutes shorter than its predecessor, but somehow manages to feel even longer." - Den of Geek

Even though it's the shortest Transformers movie since the first, clocking in at "only" 148 minutes, it's still deemed stamina-drainingly overlong by most critics, who largely declared that the film could've trimmed its fat by a half-hour-or-so, bringing it down to a far more tolerable, square two hours.

In short, make sure you thoroughly empty your bladder before entering the cinema if you choose to see this movie. Not that you'll apparently miss much if you do in fact skip out for a bathroom break.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.