Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2: 10 Reasons It Sucked

6. Jacob Is A Massive Creep

This one's been foreshadowed for a little while, and it's a complaint that even fans of the book have had about Stephenie Meyer's books, that Jacob Black's so-called "imprinting" upon Edward and Bella's daughter, Renesmee, is freaking creepy any way you look at it. To be fair, at least the story has good enough sense to draw attention to this; Edward and especially Bella are not particularly fond of how Jacob looks at their baby daughter, though they do eventually come to reconcile this. Still, the viewer doesn't have it quite so easy; it's an awkward concept that the film really does not need at all, and it just feels like an arbitrary way for Jacob to stop being obsessed with Bella and move on. Surely there were far less messy ways to resolve this? Instead, it ends with Alice having a flash-forward that shows Jacob with a fully-grown Renesmee, greeting Edward and Bella; it's meant to be a sweet, poignant moment, but it really just comes off as sinister and creepy.

Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at]