10 Typecast Movie Roles That Totally Ruined Major Plot Reveals

7. Steve Zahn & Milla Jovovich €“ A Perfect Getaway

The Big Reveal The friendly couple who you never suspected were the killers are, in fact, murderous sociopaths. Why It€™s So Obvious This one€™s a little different than most on this list. Steve Zahn has forever been typecast as the laid-back funny guy, often a sidekick to our heroes in comedy movies. So when you see him crop up as one of the leads in a thriller, alarm bells are immediately set off. This is one of those roles that give an actor the chance to try something different. It€™s the exact opposite of his typical typecast roles, which is why it was so plain to see. A red herring that sticks out like a sore thumb. And it didn€™t help matters that he was married to Milla Jovovich, one of the strongest female presences in Hollywood, synonymous with taking names and kicking butt. By the time A Perfect Getaway came out, we were three films in to the Resident Evil franchise. What were the chances her bubbly newlywed character was innocent?

Movie / TV enthusiast with a DVD and Blu-ray collection bigger than I'd care to admit. If anyone is offering creative / furniture solutions to house them, I'm all ears.