Uma Thurman: 5 Awesome Performances And 5 That Sucked

4. Rachel Porter - Paycheck

Never before has the title of a movie better summed up the participation of everyone involved. Paycheck is a low wattage action thriller that starred Ben Affleck in the middle of his dark period, which included Gigli, Daredevil and Surviving Christmas. He plays a man whose memory has been erased and he must figure out why everyone is trying to kill him. Uma plays his token love interest Rachel. Despite her career being given a huge boost by Kill Bill she for some reason (again, the title is probably a good hint) decided to follow it up with this tosh. Her character is a thinly sketched dream girl who tags along on the chase but doesn€™t really contribute anything. She has poor chemistry with Affleck and their relationship is meant to be cute and sweet, but comes across as quite annoying instead. The saddest thing is its a John Woo movie (he fled back to Hong Kong in despair afterwards) where she doesn€™t even get any fun action. Affleck gets to shoot guns in slow motion; she gets to hit an assassin with her handbag which somehow knock them unconscious. Aptly enough for a movie about amnesia Paycheck is best left forgotten by her and everyone else.

Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.