Venom 2: 10 Delightful Trailer Details & What Fans Think They Mean

6. Venom's Love Of Chocolate

Venom 2
Marvel Comics

Fans were quick to point out the trailer scene in which Venom howls "Noooooooo" at discovering that Mrs. Chen's normal chocolate delivery is late. Venom's love of chocolate was a 90's comic gag readers loved.

Sign of the Boss (1997) features Venom swinging through the city singing a knock-off Spider-Man theme song he made up about himself, inadvertently causing a car crash and terror to the people below. On his back he holds a massive red bag that we soon find out is full of chocolate which he happily devours.

The reason comic Venom loves chocolate is the same reason he eats brains: it contains phenethylamine (a chemical he needed at the time to stay sane and healthy). The question fans have is if movie Venom will embrace this same chocolate habit to cope with his temptation to eat people. The trailer gives us a few more clues.

Early in the trailer we see a note visible in Eddie's apartment that reads: RULES NO EATING PEOPLE.

Perhaps less obviously: strewn across the apartment are what appears to be torn bags of M&Ms. Handfuls of the loose chocolate candies are scattered across every surface. Haphazard piles of only the red ones sprawl across the cutting board and the table where Venom serves Eddie his equally chaotic looking breakfast.

With this care put into incorporating chocolate into the set and shots, it looks like Venom's chocolate obsession might be more than just a one-off joke.

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West loves pop culture, movies, comics and TV-shows just as much as you do. Probably. Since you're reading this. Also, she has a cat. He's pretty awesome.