Venom 2: 10 Delightful Trailer Details & What Fans Think They Mean

5. Domestic Humor

Venom 2

Tom Hardy was the heart of the first Venom movie. Every scene with him and Venom was a hysterical bit of glue keeping the film together. Their chaotic relationship was compared to a romantic comedy by fans and reviewers alike. Sony leaned into this, even releasing a rom com cut of the trailer. Fans wondered if the second film would keep the comedy. The breakfast scene in the trailer seems to give us an answer.

It shows Eddie with a resigned expression on his face, standing in the kitchen while Venom sings and cooks a disgusting looking breakfast in an equally disgusting looking kitchen. Chickens wander in the background. There are strange black stains on the ceiling. Every element comes together to create a chaotic comedic campy scene that has fans delightedly looking forward to more of exactly this in the movie.

Andy Serkis says that the breakfast scene shown in the trailer takes place some year and a half after the first film. He describes Eddie and Venom in this scene, saying, "They are now, what is in effect, the odd couple stage of their relationship."

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Venom 2
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West loves pop culture, movies, comics and TV-shows just as much as you do. Probably. Since you're reading this. Also, she has a cat. He's pretty awesome.