Venom 2: 10 Delightful Trailer Details & What Fans Think They Mean

4. Spider Crushed

Venom 2
Sony Pictures

A certain scene has fans talking. Cletus Kasady is writing a postcard to Eddie. As his voice over says, "Who do we leave behind, and how do we leave them? Waiting in the darkness, for the rescuer who never comes," a spider walks across the paper and Cletus crushes it flat. Could this be a cheeky reference to Spider-Man?

Fans have been speculating since the first Venom movie whether Spider-Man might make a cameo in a later Venom film. Another scene shows Detective Mulligan reading an issue of the Daily Bugle (a tabloid paper that exists in the Marvel comics, and is featured in the most recent Spider-Man film as an online news site). In this case, there are some words from god, AKA the director, about what to expect in regard to the web-slinger making an appearance.

Andy Serkis has officially stated that although in the comics the characters of Venom and Spider-Man are connected, these films take place in their own world. The characters, at this point, are essentially unaware that Spider-Man exists.

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Venom 2
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West loves pop culture, movies, comics and TV-shows just as much as you do. Probably. Since you're reading this. Also, she has a cat. He's pretty awesome.