Venom 2: 10 Things We Want To See

6. Pick A Lane Movie

Venom 2

One thing everyone can agree on is that the tone of the film was all over the place and the pacing left a lot to be desired. The balance of humor, darkness, and romance was never quite calibrated correctly with this one as it frustratingly continued to flounder around trying to find an identity. And it never really succeeds at this.

Given the fact that the first one has seven credited screenwriters that collaborated to make it makes it no surprise that the story is kind of all over the place. While this ended up not being a factor at the box office, that could change for the sequel and could have detrimental effects on the future of the SUMC.

Venom 2 doesn't have to be an action-packed carbon copy of an MCU film but also doesn't have to be entirely lacking in humor. But one thing is for sure, it needs to pick a lane. The first film set the tone for some darkness to go down and the unveiling of Carnage in the post-credits sets up the sequel to explore some horror elements that the character is known for.

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Venom 2
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D.J. Rivera is an award-winning writer, director, and producer with several of his titles available on Amazon Prime Video. When he’s not making movies, this go-getter lends his talents to several popular outlets writing about everything that matters in the entertainment industry and producing solid content for his distinguished client base.